What is a Warehouse Monitoring System and What are its Features?

Keeping a check on humidity and temperature levels is very important especially for the manufacturing companies. This is because increased humidity and temperature levels can affect the product. Thus, it is very important to have a Warehouse Temperature Monitoring system.

What is a Warehouse Monitoring System?

Warehouse Monitoring System, as the name suggest, is a cloud based sensory software system that detects humidity and temperature levels and also allows you to control them. It is an absolute necessary for people who have logistics business.

How does Warehouse Monitoring System Works?

It is a sensor based technology which allows the sensors to detect the humidity and temperature levels. The sensors are installed in the warehouse which collect data and forward it to the user’s phone or computer. The sensory are water and dust resistant which adds to the durability. The sensors have a broad sensing range for both temperature and humidity. The temperature reading can be controlled using a Wi-Fi Thermometer. The battery used in the sensors is non-inflammable and can be used to monitor indoor packages and goods. The consumers can access the controls using LAN or Wi-Fi.

Features of Warehouse Monitoring System

-Each sensor has its own individual rating displayed on the consumer’s phone or computer. This ensures that the humidity and temperature levels are under your control.

-The consumer is alerted via email and text messages in case of any disturbance to temperature or humidity.

-Communication has a very good range. There is almost nil interference between receiver waves and transmitter waves.

-The battery is non- inflammable and lasts for almost a year.

The Warehouse monitoring system is a game changer especially for people with large warehouse. It allows you to monitor and control the humidity and temperature remotely.


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