Upgrade Your Industrial Spaces and Agricultural Facilities with IOT Devices

IoT technology is taking the world by storm. Ubibot is one of the pioneers in developing IOT products to be used in industries for capturing the temperature, vibration, and other factors in the company, which can help the company to take proper action at the right time and avoid unnecessary expenses later.

Track temperature and humidity with IoT monitors

The company's significant invention of the IOT is the IoT-based intelligent agriculture monitoring device. The farmers and ranchers can get real-time information about the crop facility and monitor livestock by sitting at their place. These are cost-effective, easier to maintain, and boost agricultural yields while helping you maintain the health of the live stocks. The Internet of Things (IoT) monitors the facility's temperature, humidity and ambient light. You can also use sensors in cold rooms and greenhouses with high humidity. It gives you warnings when a change in facility temperature requires your attention.  

Keep a close watch on room temperature using environmental monitoring equipment

The server room environmental monitoring equipment is a must-have in the server rooms of every IT company today. You can set up the WiFi sensors in the server room and monitor the temperature on your mobile. The sensors are in sync with the IoT platform. Having the sensors will help you cut down on cooling expenses. With this installed in the server room lets you adjust cooling as required and keep a close watch on the temperature in the data centre. The WiFi humidity sensor will monitor whether or not the gadget is functioning correctly. 

Another set of devices from Ubibot development is a remote thermometer sensor. It will allow you to monitor the drug storage space's temperature accurately. The Ubibot sensors are available in two versions- base and pro. The sensors will capture the internal and external climatic conditions in the warehouse. There is also an LCD screen to check the manual readings. The device is in sync through a WiFi connection. Therefore, set up all these industry devices to make the area smart.  


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