Key Aspects of Environmental Monitoring Systems in Server Rooms

Server room and data center control and monitoring are important in today’s world. As a server room is the life support around which our digital lives revolve, it must be properly managed. With the help of Server Room Environmental Monitoring equipment, it is possible to manage server rooms better. Here are the major environmental control and monitoring functions required inside a server room: 1. Temperature- Overheating inside the server room can result in the potential loss of valuable data. So, keeping the room cool is mandatory and therefore, a Remote Temperature Sensor is a must-have. Portable air conditioners, auxiliary fans, and vents can improve cooling. 2. Humidity- Humidity is another crucial parameter and server room managers can’t afford to overlook it. Both high humidity and low humidity can damage electrical components and cause data loss. So, server rooms control humidity levels to ensure the equipment’s longevity. 3. Door Status- Everyone shouldn’t have ...