Prevent Mechanical Failures through UbiBot’s WiFi Vibration Sensor

Monitoring the condition of the mechanical systems, especially the motor systems, is a task that warrants high priority. If we go by statistics, the motor systems are responsible for the highest degree of power consumption in the industrial sector. These systems constitute the very backbone of the industries by taking on most of the workload and therefore their proper health and optimum functionality is of prime importance. Monitoring the vibration of such machinery is one of the oldest and the most reliable way to monitor the state of the equipment. It helps in timely detection of potential problems so that they can be averted before anything even begins to go wrong.

WIFi Vibration sensor that is being made available in the market by UbiBot provides real time data regarding the environmental conditions related to the machinery and also around it so that an accurate diagnosis regarding their health can be made. Using the data provided by this device one can remain aware of the physical state the machinery is in at all times which further allows for timely realization of maintenance needs and also helps in optimal utilization of maintenance resources and greatly improves system reliability.

The top quality device manufactured by UbiBot not only works as a WiFi vibration sensor but also serves as a WiFi thermometer and a wireless humidity sensor. Excessive friction or deterioration always causes the temperature of the machinery to rise. In such cases, acting as a WiFi thermometer this device will immediately send notification regarding the less than ideal condition so that it can be immediately addressed. Humidity is another factor that needs to be closely monitored with regards to machinery because too much of it can be damaging. The wireless humidity sensor feature of this device will keep you alerted of the humidity levels at all times so that it can be kept in control and below harmful levels. 

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